Day 15: Sheryl’s Place to The Farm

By Elliot

Distance: 20km

Given the shorter distance we needed to walk today, we started our day at a leisurely pace. This also gave our tent a chance to dry a bit: it was soaking wet from condensation and last night’s rain.

We said our goodbyes to Sheryl, and started walking. After several kilometres, we found ourselves in a forest.

While the day started with rolling hills, in the forest we hit a hill that refused to roll. It went up and up for 300m. We aren’t strangers to elevation gain, but this particular hill always seems like the crest was just around the corner.

We eventually made it to the other side, managed to spot a little bit of a view through the wall of trees on the side of the road, and left the forest.

A few kilometres later, we arrived at our campsite: The Farm. It has dorm rooms, some cabins, and places to pitch a tent. We pitched our tent.

The Farm seems to be WWOOF-ing Mecca. There must be about a dozen people who are here helping out from France, Quebec and Germany. Everyone was very friendly, and we had a fun evening.

But since we arrived early and it was sunny, I took the opportunity to do laundry and to try to get the salt stains from yesterdays kayak out of my shorts. It seems to have worked.

Below is me whipping my shorts, trying to get as much water out as possible before hanging it to dry, so that it would dry faster. I’m not wearing clothes because they are all drying. I ended spending the majority of the afternoon lounging around wearing a towel instead of pants, as a weak attempt at modesty.